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  • Alla hjärtans tango - Carlos Quilici kvintett!
    Alla hjärtans tango - Carlos Quilici kvintett!
    Sat, Feb 15
    Välkommen till en tangokväll med ett romantiskt inslag! Den hyllade orkestern Carlos Quilici y su quinteto Los Tauras firar sitt 30-årsjubileum med en exklusiv Europaturné, och vi har den stora glädjen att välkomna dem till vår milonga med temat - Alla hjärtans dag!
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"1995-1996, the gang managed to rent an empty university building: the Oceanographic Institute on Stigbergstorget, and the house was soon filled with cultural acts of all kinds"

dance and performance! The stage is run by the dance school World Dance Company, which co-founded Kulturhuset Oceanen.


Ocean The second floor is the free art stage for acoustic performances, 

It started with flamenco in laundries and backyards in Gothenburg in 1990. A group was formed called Vaca Volante, a motley crowd of flamenco enthusiasts with wild ideas created surrealistic performances where genres and different artistic expressions were woven together. Gradually, they also began to conduct more and more teaching.

Soon Argentine tango came into the picture, and also oriental and Indian classical dance. A dance hall was built in Kulturbageriet (formerly Olof Asklund's crust factory) in the middle of Gothenburg, which housed a significant part of the city's free cultural life for a period. Then it went as usual: demolition or renovation and the culture has to move on. 

In 1995-1996, the gang managed to rent an empty university building: the Oceanographic Institute on Stigbergstorget, and the house was soon filled with cultural actors of all kinds. This is how the Ocean was formed, which is now owned and run by the Association Kulturhuset Oceanen.

After the turn of the millennium, the dance school El Jaleo Flamenco and Tangocenter became the World Dance Company as more and more genres were incorporated into the business. A development that is constantly ongoing, with new course concepts, genres, events and not least new acquaintances every year. 

And here we are now, welcome to join our journey.

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© 2021 Ocean Second floor

organized by World Dance Company

Stigbergstorget 8
414 63 Gothenburg

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